
The following policy was approved for the 2011 academic year. All conditions must be satisfied before reinstatement is authorized:

  • Developing a plan of study in consultation with 和 approved by the appropriate 研究生 Program Director (GPD) of the program that the student is seeking to either continue enrollment or to be newly admitted. The plan of study must specify the initial 12 credit hours to be taken 和 the steps necessary to complete the degree requirements within the six-year (Master's) 和 the eight-year (doctoral) time period as required by University policy. This plan should recognize that all prior courses in which grades of B- or less were earned must be repeated or replaced with an approved substitution. 如果恢复,学生的平均绩点将恢复到 .00 和 courses with a grade of B or above will be treated as internal transfer credit 和 therefore will have no bearing on the GPA. Upon reinstatement, the student must achieve a cumulative GPA of at least 3.00 in the next 12 credit hours of graduate credit attempted.
  • Providing to the GPD a written explanation 和 documentation of the factors 和 circumstances that contributed to the failure to achieve the academic st和ards as well as evidence that these issues have been resolved. Students who wish to maintain confidentiality regarding special medical or other personal issues, must obtain a letter from the division of student engagement 和 enrollment services certifying their validity 和 contribution to the suspension 和 that these issues have been or will be satisfactorily resolved prior to the reinstatement.

  • Reviewing the student's letter 和 any written documentation the student provides, assisting in the development of the proposed plan of study, 和 assessing the student's potential for successful completion of the program.
  • Assessing the potential impact of reinstatement on departmental resources.
  • 如果GPD批准复职, the student will be informed in writing 和 the steps outlined in 1.a. 和1.b. 这一政策必须遵守. A copy of the letter 和 the approved plan of study shall be forwarded to the Office of 研究生 Studies. The Office of 研究生 Studies will work with the Office of the Registrar to ensure the academic record is updated so the student may resume his or her study.


  • 所有成绩在B-(2)以上的课程.70) or below will be dropped from consideration in the calculation of the grade point average for continuance or graduation. These grades will remain on the student's transcript, but the courses will not be counted toward the degree.
  • Courses with grades of B or above may be counted toward the degree but they will not be used in the calculation of the GPA.
  • Reinstated students must achieve a cumulative GPA of at least 3.00 upon completion of the next 12 hours of credit attempted. Subsequent performance will be monitored by the GPD.
  • 蓝色巨人的奥都学生

    If the GPD does not approve the request for reinstatement, the student must be informed in writing. A copy of the letter shall be forwarded to the Office of 研究生 Studies. The student has the right to appeal to the 研究生 Appeals Committee. The student must resubmit the written letter 和 documentation as outlined in 1.A和1.b .研究生申诉委员会.

  • The 研究生 Appeals Committee will request a written evaluation from the GPD. The GPD's evaluation must address the reasonableness of i) the proposed plan of study; ii) the potential for successful completion of the program, 和, iii) the potential impact of reinstatement on departmental resources.
  • The 研究生 Appeals Committee will render its decision 和 inform the Office of 研究生 Studies. The Office of 研究生 Students will send a letter to the student, 并将一份副本交给GPD, informing him or her of the 研究生 Appeals Committee's decision. If the 研究生 Appeals Committee supports the GPD's original decision, the student shall remain separated from the program. If the 研究生 Appeals Committee approves reinstatement, the steps outlined in 1.a. 这一政策必须遵守. The decision of the 研究生 Appeals Committee is final.
  • 一名学生只能复学一次.

Process for Requesting Reinstatement to a 研究生 Program
