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你来参观. 韦伯狮子喷泉. 2017年6月1日. 大卫·B. 霍林

出国留学 Program to Introduce Students to 古巴n Food 文化

By Brendan O'Hallarn

The gradual lifting of the decades-long 古巴n trade embargo is slowly opening the Caribbean island to Americans, and Old Dominion University is taking advantage of the changing relationship.

RESEARCH生 students in the university's Lifespan & Digital Communication program, along with undergraduates in the Departments of Communication & Theatre 艺术 and Political Science and Geography, will travel to 古巴 on spring break (March 3 to 11) to learn about the fusion of communication, agriculture and food in the nation.

The first-of-its-kind odyssey will be led by Tom Socha, professor of communication, 还有唐·齐格勒, professor of geography.

"Our students will farm a bit, 煮一点, hear talks from 古巴n faculty and government and, 当然, eat a lot in order to learn about the significance and meanings of food in the lives of 古巴ns young and old,索查说.

Highlights of the trip include visits to Old Havana, 埃尔莫罗城堡, the Museum of the Revolution, Las Terrazas eco-community, 美国.S. Embassy and an organic farm.

"Students will explore 古巴n food in a context that is not dependent on mass media advertising and has not been subjected to industrialized/chemically driven farming practices,索查说. "古巴ns may be living in ways consistent with Blue Zone practices, which are likely to contribute to longer lives."

A recent Old Dominion graduate spent a month in 古巴 last summer on a study abroad program to learn Spanish. 约翰•里德, who earned his bachelor's degree in international business in May, lived with a host family, studying Spanish at 美国niversity of Havana and soaking up local culture.

"It's such a unique country, from the food to the cars to the culture,里德说, who had never traveled outside 美国nited States before. "The people are incredibly friendly, too. My host 'Mom' even cleaned my room when I was studying during the day."

Reid said the biggest adjustment facing participants in the 古巴 program will be a complete separation of connections from home.

"Your cell phone won't work, and there isn't much Internet to speak of. For me, that was great. It helped focus on what I was experiencing every day."

Goals of the course include increasing students' awareness and deepening their understanding of societal relationships with food, as well as the impact of food on health, 寿命, culture and the environment.

All students must be in good academic standing and have the permission of the faculty leader to participate.

For information about the Lifespan Communication, Geography and Food in 古巴 study abroad program or to register, see the brochure on the Office of 出国留学 网站.


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