
bet8体育娱乐入口获奖近2人,600 undergraduate and graduate degrees on May 5 and 6 during its 138th commencement exercises, which included only the second outdoor graduating ceremony in 21 years.

近2,000 undergraduate students from the 文学院 and 信, 斯特罗姆商学院, the 达顿教育学院 and Professional Studies, 巴顿工程技术学院, 健康科学学院, 理学院, the School of 网络安全 and the School of Nursing received their degrees on a sunny morning at Kornblau Field at S.B. 5月6日在巴拉德体育场举行.

It was the first commencement ceremony for an individual class held outdoors since May 2002, 当毕业生在福尔曼菲尔德获得学位时. 从那时起, all graduation ceremonies were held at the Ted Constant Convocation Center except for the spring of 2021. That May, ceremonies for the pandemic-impacted classes of 2020 and 2021 were held at S.B. 巴拉德体育场.

大约20,000 family members and guests attended Saturday’s ceremony, where Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin was the featured speaker.

近600个硕士学位, doctoral and education specialist graduates received degrees during the advanced degree ceremony on May 5 at Chartway Arena. 埃德娜·布朗.D., a professor in the Department of 咨询 and Human 服务s who has been an ODU faculty member for 55 years, 发表了演讲.

The Class of 2023 includes 746 distance-learning students (424 undergraduates, 322名研究生)和 226 active-duty military and veterans (157 undergraduates, 69 graduate students).

 Brian O总裁. Hemphill, Ph值.D., told the new graduates that “the value of an education goes so far beyond preparation for a career.”

“It is the role of an educated person to champion ideas of substance and reject loudly that which is artificial or self-serving,他解释道. “So, 你的职业是否会让你进入网站登录编辑室, 病房还是会议室, I hope you will take your Monarch values with you – service to others above all else and a commitment to justice for all members of our society.”


Governor Youngkin told the graduates they “are joining approximately 165,000 fellow Monarchs who are making the world a better place” and that the new ODU alumni each have “a unique and powerful story representing a rich, 丰富的生活经历.”

He spoke about three who illustrated how they can be the “authors of your own stories.”

窦帕特尔 moved to the United States from India with her family as a young child. When choosing colleges, many of her classmates left Hampton Roads, Youngkin said.

但她有一种不同的感觉,扬金说。, rejecting the notion “that you have to go somewhere to get somewhere.”

州长指出,帕特尔, who graduated as a biomedical sciences major on a pre-med track, presented a research project at a national conference in San Antonio, 德州. She also served as a student representative on the Board of 访问ors.

”回顾, I started seeking opportunities relentlessly to delve into action,帕特尔对观众说. “This allowed me to see myself diversify in many roles.”

Officer candidate Matthew Allen graduated with degrees in cybersecurity and military leadership. The father of two joined the military at 20 and served as an explosive ordnance disposal technician in the Navy for more than a decade.

“His roots are built on the foundation of service,扬金说。. "So, 当你写你的人生故事, I encourage all of you to include chapters of service over self because it will sustain you over time.”

最后, Youngkin cited former ODU student-athlete Taylor Heinicke, who was viewed by many as lacking the physical skills to succeed in pro football.

“这是勇气的问题,”州长说. “He became the heart and soul of the Washington Commanders. 他准备抓住时机.”

There’s an important message in these graduates’ stories, Youngkin said.

“不管你出生在哪里, 不管你在哪里结束, as you come across challenges in the years and decades to come, 知道这一点:你在ODU有一个坚实的基础,他说.


棕色(的), 高级学位典礼上的演讲者, is also an Eminent Scholar at the University and a distinguished fellow of the American Group Psychotherapy Association. 她撰写或与人合作撰写了近40本书, 包括“团体治疗创意活动”,“如何应对伴侣的嫉妒。,” “Children of the Self-Absorbed” and “Understanding Narcissists.”

Narcissism, she acknowledged, has a negative connotation. But 棕色(的) encouraged the graduates to develop a “healthy adult narcissism, 有同情心和适当幽默的.”

She added, “Look for beauty in the world, wonder, zest. 是无私的. 练习善良、感恩和欣赏. Be aware of others in the world and appreciate them for who they are.”


  • 接受“教育的礼物”. What I would like you to do is to model it and pass it on, 创造新奇的事物, 发现新的理解.”
  • 保持“工作/生活/自我照顾”的平衡. If you balance your work and personal life, you will be much more productive, as well as happier. 关注你的人际关系.”
  • “学习、成长和发展. Develop your learning quotient and your professional skills. 改善你在工作和家庭中的关系.”
  • 认识到“获胜的代价”. There are sacrifices and costs for you and others that are required for you to achieve success.”
  • “梦想并从失败中学习. 逆境可以带来很多东西. 所以从中吸取教训. 不要让它打倒你.”

棕色(的) concluded: “I want you to embrace your gift of education. 我鼓励你做个英雄. Heroes are people who give of themselves and make a difference.”

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