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Dean Tanner and business students conversing outside of Constant Hall.

Strome College of BusinessEngage Newsletter

Letter from the Dean

On August 31, I will represent the Strome College of Business one last time, at a Chamber event. On the next day, Dr. Kenneth Kahn will take over those responsibilities, as I leave ODU.

These last seven years of service as your dean have been incredibly fulfilling, everything I could have hoped for and more. Thank you.

When I reflect on these seven years, I am struck by the overwhelming commitment of the faculty and staff. Their dedication to our students and to the pursuit of knowledge is inspiring and made my job easier and more exciting.

There is still much to do, and Ken will have his hands full with establishing the new school of Supply Chain and Maritime Logistics, completing the funding for the ROTC joint training facility, working to build out the vision of the Women's Initiative Network, and achieving the thrilling growth of the pillars of the strategic plan.

So, while it might be normal to stop, relax, and "check the box, we got that done," nothing could be farther from the truth. Yes, we got a lot done. But now is the time to go into hyper-drive rather than slow down. And under Ken's direction, I'm certain that we will.


Thurmond School Puts ODU at the Forefront of Sales and Negotiation Education

Many years ago, Dick Thurmond saw two salesmen at a local car dealership taking advantage of a young woman's lack of negotiating skills.

Thurmond, who has spent decades working in the real estate business and is currently Southeast regional chairman of Howard Hanna Real Estate Services, left the dealership after negotiating his vehicle purchase. But he couldn't get the salesmen and that woman out of his mind.

"I should have gotten up and gotten involved in it," he said. "I walked out the door, and I decided I'd go back. And I went back, and the lady was gone, and the salesmen were gone. And I always felt bad that I did not take the initiative to go over and help that young lady."

That experience contributed to his decision to create the Thurmond School of Professional Sales and Negotiations in Old Dominion University's Strome College of Business.

Research Defines Wayne Talley’s 50-Year Career at ODU

In reflecting on his half century at Old Dominion University, Wayne Talley said one of the biggest changes he's seen is the quality and quantity of faculty research.

"Now we are considered a major research university," said Talley, citing ODU's recent Research 1 Classification from the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education, placing it among the highest level of research institutions in the United States.

Research has been at the core of Talley's academic career. He is recognized as one of the world's most prominent maritime economists and has played a leading role in making the University a global leader of research in the field.

"His single-minded focus on research elevated the profile of the institution in ways that no one else can claim," said Jeff Tanner, dean of the Strome College of Business.


Erika Marsillac Links Supply Chain & Sustainability

Do you ever wonder why your Amazon package wasn't delivered on time? Or why you can't find certain items in the store, like toilet paper? Supply chains are tasked with delivering critical goods, services, and packages around (and sometimes even off!) the globe, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Ricardo Ungo

Women in Maritime

A few weeks ago, the ODU Maritime, Ports and Logistics Institute partnered with the Office of Intercultural Relations (OIR) to bring the topic of women in the maritime and supply chain industry to the Latinx Symposium held in the Webb Center.

Kim Huynh

Alumni News: Kim Huynh

The maritime and supply chain industry has received increased attention after the global effects of covid began impacting the import and export of valuable goods and materials; here at Old Dominion University there is a special focus on the maritime industry because of the central location to the Port of Virginia. Kim Huynh took full advantage of the program.

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